Redemption statement request


What we will need:

  • your conveyancer details
  • your borrower details
  • your request details.


Step 1 of 3: Confirm your conveyancer details

Your conveyancer details


Select conveyancer address









Step 2 of 3: Your borrower details













Step 3 of 3: Your request details



Please note redemption date can only be as far as one calendar month in advance.

Check your details

When you’re happy your details below are correct, click Submit to send the details to us.

Check your conveyancer details

Company name:                                    ##conv_company_name##

Panel number:                                       ##conv_panel_number##

Reference:                                             ##conv_reference##

Address 1:                                              ##add1##        

Address 2:                                              ##add2##

Address 3:                                              ##add3##

Address 4:                                              ##add4##

Postcode:                                                ##postcode##

Email address:                                       ##conv_email##

Contact number:                                    ##conv_telephone##



Check your borrower details

Mortgage account number:                 ##borrower_mtge_acc_no##

Address 1:                                              ##add5##

Address 2:                                              ##add6##

Address 3:                                              ##add7##

Address 4:                                              ##add8##

Postcode:                                                ##postcode2##

Surname:                                                ##borrower_surname##

Initials:                                                   ##borrower_initials##

2nd Borrower surname:                        ##2nd_borrower_surname##

2nd Borrower initials:                           ##2nd_borrower_initial##


Check your request details


Reason for request:                               ##reason_for_request##

Redemption date:                                 ##day##/##month##/##year##

Acting on behalf:                                  ##acting_on_behalf##




Scottish Widows Bank is a trading name of Lloyds Bank plc. Registered office: 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN. Registered in England and Wales, no. 2065. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under number 119278.