Financial coaching appointment booking


Here to help you make the most of your money, in partnership with Lloyds Banking Group

Book your free appointment and talk to an experienced coach about your financial priorities.

  • Free coaching sessions can last up to 60 minutes
  • Using Microsoft Teams - times and locations to suit you.
  • Turn your camera on or off as you choose.

What we might need:

  • your personal details
  • financial information on accounts and investments
  • a sense of what you want from your money.


Step 1 of 3: Confirm your personal details

Your personal details


To find the right coach for you.
Select your address









Step 2 of 3: Your accounts you may hold



Select all that apply

Step 3 of 3: Your preferred booking time



Select day
Select time
Select time
Select at least one

Check your details

When you’re happy your details below are correct, click Submit to send the details to us.

Check your personal details

Name of employer:                                ##name_of_employer##    

Name:                                                     ##title## ##firstname## ##lastname##

Address 1:                                              ##address1##        

Address 2:                                              ##address2##

Address 3:                                              ##address3##

Address 4:                                              ##address4##

Postcode:                                                ##postcode##

Email address:                                       ##email##

Home location:                                      ##home_location##

Date of birth:                                         ##day##/##month##/##year##


Check your account details

Existing accounts:                                ##existing_accounts##


Check your booking details


Preferred day:                                      ##preferred_day##

Preferred time (weekday):                  ##pref_time_weekday##

Preferred time (weekend):                  ##pref_time_weekend##

I would like to discuss:                       ##session_discussion##




Lloyds Banking Group consists of Lloyds Bank, Bank of Scotland and Halifax.

Our Financial Coaches are available from 9am - 7pm Monday to Friday and 9am - 1pm Saturday. 

Calls and online sessions may be monitored and recorded. 

This information is correct as of January 2024.