Product Governance

Retirement Account

Keep up to date with Product Governance and Consumer Duty and find out what that may mean for you and your clients.

Fair value statement

Fair value statement

Product review and Fair Value Assessment (PDF, 79KB)


Consumer Duty requires advisers to make an overall assessment of value based on the total cost to the consumer. This assessment should include product, advice, and platform charges.

The Retirement Account Fair Value statement supports you with this. It explains how we’ve assessed our product governance and pricing approach, to deliver fair value to our customers.

Adviser Consumer Duty FAQs (PDF, 160KB)

Target market

Target market

Please read our target market document. (PDF, 528KB)

Product characteristics

Product characteristics

For an overview of our Retirement Account features and benefits please view our Due Diligence Guide (PDF, 589KB) and Adviser Technical Guide (PDF, 2MB).

Understanding Consumer Duty

Read what Consumer Duty means for you and your clients in our short guide.

Understanding Consumer Duty (PDF, 193KB)

Watch our ‘Preparing for Consumer Duty’ webinar which highlights the key challenges of this topic, as well as how these new regulations could apply to advisers and what support we can provide you.

Preparing for Consumer Duty

Read our Techtalk  article ‘Consumer Duty – What does it really mean?’ This takes a detailed look at what the FCA’s new Consumer Duty means for product manufacturers and advisers.

Consumer Duty - What does it really mean? (PDF, 82KB)

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