Workplace savings

We support you and your clients
At Scottish Widows, we take pride in delivering excellent service. Our proposition is designed to give you a highly personal service, with dedicated contacts and expert staff in place to set up and manage schemes and deliver a valuable workplace savings solution, based around your client’s needs.
We offer digital support through our online service, which gives employers the flexibility and control to manage their schemes easily and gives employees a quick and easy way to view their pension online.
Our Employer digital service offers the ability to:
- make regular monthly or ad-hoc single payments
- add new employees and remove leavers
- bulk upload new employees
- view employee level contribution history.
Our Employee digital service offers the ability to:
- view the value of their pension pot
- review their contribution history details
- change their personal details
- switch their fund(s)
- view their drawdown pot
- see information on their investments
- add nomination of beneficiaries through an online journey.
We can also offer your clients and their employees’ access to our free Digital Pension Transfer Service, which provides guidance and education to help employees decide whether they should consolidate other pension pots into their current Workplace Pension. It doesn’t offer or need advice and the decision to transfer is ultimately up to the employee.