How we support intermediaries
At Scottish Widows Bank we care about the intermediaries we do business with, and recognise the important role you play in supporting your customers.
That's why we have a dedicated Intermediary Support Team who can offer support with decisions in principle, product transfers, further advances and transfer of equity applications.
Please note, new purchase mortgages are only available to existing Scottish Widows Bank mortgage customers. Remortgages are no longer available. Lifetime mortgages are available to new and existing customers.
If you need to get in touch call the Intermediary Support Team on 0345 845 0110. Lines are open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday.
Select Option 1, and then:
Option 1 - for a decision in principle
Option 2 - if you've submitted a new mortgage or further advance application
Option 3 - for product transfers or contract changes
Option 4 - for redemption enquiries
Option 5 - for savings
To provide information on an application you've already submitted, complete the Contact Form (PDF, 43KB) and upload via Click.
What support do you need?
In order to receive procuration fee payments you need to register your firm with Scottish Widows Bank.
You can view our Intermediary Data Privacy Notice to see how we use your information when you register with us.
For mortgage business, we’ll automatically register you for our online mortgage service (online Mortgage Illustrations, DIPs, Full Applications and case tracking) – we’ll post your login details to you shortly after receiving your completed panel registration form.
If you’d like to register your firm to submit mortgage business with Scottish Widows Bank Register online
If online services are unavailable, complete the Registration Form (PDF, 550KB) and email it to us at
Email messages passing over the internet are not secure and could be intercepted and read by someone else.
Please only include the information requested and check the recipient's email address is correct before sending.
Alternatively you can post the completed form along with any requested supported documentation to:
Panel management
Scottish Widows Bank
PO Box 81
Pendeford Business Park
Wobaston Road
WV95HZ -
These terms are a contract between you as a mortgage intermediary and us – it’s the way we agree to work together when you place mortgage business with us.
On this page you’ll find links to our key documents for submitting mortgage business. You can access all our mortgage literature in our library
- Contact Form (PDF, 43KB)
- Gifted Deposit Letter Template (PDF, 520KB)
- Interest Only – Other Residential Property Form (PDF, 583KB)
- Lending Guide (PDF, 500KB)
- Mortgage Contract Change Form (PDF, 155KB)
- Mortgage Declaration (PDF, 78KB)
- New Property Details Form (PDF, 157KB)
- Offset Application Form (PDF, 137KB)
- Offset Declaration (PDF, 74KB)
- Tariff of Charges (PDF, 129KB)
- Information about your mortgage (PDF, 4MB)
Our priority is to provide you with a high level of customer service. If you have a complaint on behalf of a client, please let us know and we’ll try to provide a solution as quickly as possible. You can contact us in the following ways
Scottish Widows Bank mortgage customers
Complaints about Scottish Widows Bank
UK callers: 0800 015 3149
International callers: 00 44 131 535 0460
Write to us at:
Scottish Widows Bank
PO Box 883
LS1 9TYHow we will handle your complaint
- We will contact your customer.
- We will send an acknowledgement letter within five working days of receiving your complaint along with an update of who will deal with your complaint and when you can expect a response.
- If necessary we will contact you to gather any further information required to assess your complaint fully. Once we have all the details we require we will issue a final response.
How long we have to respond
- The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) gives us a maximum number of days to issue a final response
- If your complaint relates to payment services or e-money (e.g. Direct Debit, Online Transaction) we aim to issue a final response within 15 business days after receiving your complaint. Should something outside of our control cause a delay, the FCA gives us a maximum of 35 business days.
- For all other types of complaint the FCA gives us eight weeks to issue a final response but we will aim to get your complaint resolved well before this deadline.
If you’re still not happy
We're committed to resolving complaints whenever possible through our complaints procedure. However, if the matter can't be resolved, once we’ve issued a Final Response letter, your client has six months to refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service at:
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
E14 9SRTelephone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123
E-mail: or Website: